There’s always a modification

Don’t let the thought, “Oh, I can’t do that – it’s too hard” prevent you from doing something you want to do. Especially when it comes to exercises. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t do jumping jacks, do side toe taps with arm swings. If you can’t jump, lift your knees high. There’s always a modification.

Keep trying - full plank with one arm and one leg.

Like with this pose. It’s definitely challenging. It works your core, your legs, your balance, your arms. It works every part of your body – and your mind.

Keep practicing

But it takes practice. I certainly wasn’t able to do this the first time I tried it. But I thought it would be a fun pose to have in my arsenal, so I kept practicing.

I started with this:

Modified exercise bird-dog plank

Now, this isn’t exactly a walk in the park either. This modified plank with bird dog uses your core and your balance. You’ll definitely feel your abs fire up when you lift alternate limbs, and your balance will be shaky the first few times. (And, yes, that’s my dog’s butt at the bottom left of the picture!)

And after a few times, I got stronger and felt ready to try the full version of the pose. And that was a laugh. Good thing I was on a mat because I fell on my face.

Don’t give up!

But I didn’t give up. There were other exercises that kept me going – ones that I was comfortable with and that would strengthen my arms, my core, my legs and my balance.

And I kept doing the modified version of the pose to get my body used to a simulation of the movement. To sort of challenge my balance the way that the full version would. And ultimately I tried the full version of the pose – and succeeded!

If you’re not strong enough (yet) for a full push-up, try it from your knees. Or, better yet, on your couch or a chair. Put your hands on the seat, feet on the floor and try that. This simulates the push-up better than from your knees on the floor, but it’s somewhat easier.

The point is, don’t NOT do an exercise. Do a modification.

It’s tough getting old

It's tough getting old. So many stresses.

It’s tough getting old. In getting older, we want to stay fit and healthy so that we can enjoy our “golden years.” In order to enjoy those years, we want to reduce stress and be happy.

All those things are really hard. We’ve spent lots of years exercising and eating right. When is it our turn to go crazy? Just lie on the couch and eat junk food.

We’ve spent lots of years working. When do we get to just do what we want?

That’s harder than ever now.

Everything costs money. And everything is more expensive than it used to be. Our incomes are not going up, so we have to be creative. And that’s exhausting.

But, things are easier when they become a habit.

So, let’s create some habits we can live with and be happy about for many, many years to come.

Eating right

Meal planning can become a habit. And it’s easier when you plan out a week’s worth of meals. Pick one day and gather your favorite recipes. Decide on 21 nutritious but delicious meals (if you don’t plan on bringing meals in – we do carryout from our favorite restaurants a couple evenings a week), make a list of items you need from the grocery store, and plan your shopping trip. And plan your snacks, too – things you look upon as treats, but are still healthy. OK – maybe a tiny bit indulgent…


I’ve written many a blog post about the benefits of exercise as we age. Here’s one: “Why Exercise?” For now, let’s just agree that it’s necessary. Pick a program and stick with it. You don’t have to spend hours a day exercising, but it should be fairly intense – for you – 30 minutes 4 or 5 times a week. The most important thing is to be consistent in your exercise. By all means mix up the kind of exercise that you’re doing, but do it.

Get happy

Money may be tight, but that’s no reason not to do things that make you happy. Every day. Read a book. Reread a favorite. Listen to music. Go outside and breathe some fresh air.