6 Ways to fight depression naturally

Mental illness is no joke. It affects many people every year. There’s no age limit, and it affects people of every ethnic group and wage bracket. If you’ve tried everything but nothing seems to work, it could be time to seek professional help. But if you’re feeling down and are starting to think that maybe you should address the issue, there are ways to fight depression naturally without drugs or a psychiatrist. Here are 6 of them:

Exercise is one way to fight depression naturally.
Exercise fights depression naturally.
  1. Exercise to ease the jitters of anxiety. There are lots of other benefits of exercising too: https://fitness-over-50.com/2015/09/why-exercise/ Remember that the “runner’s high” is not just from running. Whenever you exercise, your brain produces those valuable endorphins. Not only that, but studies also suggest that exercise promotes the production of dopamine, which plays a role in how we feel pleasure.
  2. Start a new hobby or spend time with a favorite one for distraction. No negative thoughts when you’re painting your next masterpiece. Or when you’re trying to fit together a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.
  3. Take 15 minutes a day just for you. Take a walk and enjoy nature. Or dive into a novel – you can’t worry about the world when you’re deep into fighting the Civil War with the hero in the historical novel you’re reading.
  4. Listen to your favorite tune. That’s sure to brighten your day. In fact, there are scientific studies that prove it: https://fitness-over-50.com/2022/05/set-your-happiness-to-music/
  5. Spend time with friends and family. Take your mind off of the world and put it into helping your network. Your friends and family are your support, and you are theirs. https://fitness-over-50.com/2021/06/you-are-not-alone-on-your-fitness-journey/
  6. Meditate – it really does reduce stress and will minimize negative thoughts. Meditation is not just for yogis or sitting in the lotus position. And meditation does not have to take long. A short guided meditation (https://fitness-over-50.com/try-a-guided-meditation-for-calm/) also will work to clear your mind and lead you to more productive thinking. Meditation also assists in maintaining your positivity.

We all feel “down” on occasion. It’s natural. And, unfortunately as we age it becomes more common. So, as part of your healthy aging, the next time you feel blue try the exercise route first to help your mindset. It’s a quick fix, and one that usually works for me.

Author: Fran

I believe in everything! In moderation, of course! I keep fit by working out a little most days, eating right (mostly), doing balance exercises (every day!) and trying to keep a sense of humor.

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