The Fitness Formula

The Fitness Formula is simple. Eat well and exercise. That’s it. If you eat nutritious food that gives you the calories, nutrients, vitamins and minerals you need, and if you exercise at an intense level for 30 minutes 4 times a week, you’ll become fit. That sounds very easy, doesn’t it? But it’s hard to put into practice.

Most fitness resolutions fail

Many people state as their New Year’s Resolution, “I’m going to get fit in the New Year!” And that’s an awesome goal. But as many others know, after the first few weeks of excitement of going to a new gym and trying out low-fat and low-calorie recipes, it’s also easy to let that resolution fall by the wayside. In fact, according to Loyola Medicine, almost a quarter of people quit their resolutions the first week. Half in the first month, and only 9% actually achieve their goal. 

What goes wrong?

There has to be something that people are missing in the formula then, to fail at such a huge rate. The formula seems to be very simple. Eat right and exercise. So, what goes wrong? 

Eating right is hard

As I see it, as folks over 50, we’re tired. I’m tired all the time. And there are so many demands on our time. Eating right takes even more time. We have to plan meals that are nutritious and taste good – and if there’s someone else’s tastes and requirements to take into consideration, that takes even more time for planning. Then we have to shop and prepare the meals. Which means that we’re even more tired. And hopefully there’s someone else who can deal with the clean-up. No doubt about it – eating right is hard.

Exercise is hard too

Exercise is hard if you're not motivated,

And as people over 50, we know that exercise is important to our healthy aging. The CDC has recommended a level of exercise which seems appropriate for those who have been doing it a while. But the exercise part should be as easy as the concept of eating right – after all, it’s just a couple of hours a week, right? But if we’re not enjoying it, we’re not doing it. And lots of gym memberships go unused because the members aren’t enjoying it.

So, what’s missing?

If you’re not doing hard things for a really good reason, you’re not going to keep doing them. Eating right is hard. It’s much simpler to stop at a drive-through on your way home than to plan and prepare a hearty nutritious meal. It’s a whole lot easier to binge your favorite Netflix series than change clothes and sweat at the gym. 

Motivation is the missing piece to the Fitness Formula

Your really good reason is the key that keeps you moving toward your goal of fitness. If you want to enjoy that hiking trip through Europe in a few months, that’s a good reason to stay with your eating and exercise plan. If your grandkids are at a fun age and you don’t want to miss the opportunities of running around the yard and playing with them, that’s another good reason to eat right and exercise. And if you want to be able to walk and gossip with your friends, that’s also motivation to stick with your resolution.

The Fitness Formula is easy, but it has three parts, not two. Yes, eating right and exercise are crucial, but so is your motivation. Your motivation helps you plan all those meals and sustains you through the tough workouts. 

Create an exercise habit

It sounds kind of boring, doesn’t it – create an exercise habit. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. If exercise is a habit for you, then you don’t have to feel like you’re girding yourself for battle a few times a week when you think about working out. You don’t have to find time on your calendar for exercise because it’s already scheduled. And you’re getting all the benefits of exercise without even thinking about it. Your heart is getting stronger, your balance is improving, your sleep has never been better and your memory is as sharp as it ever was.

Be active and fit to do all the other stuff

Exercise is a habit for me, and has been for many years. I realized a long time ago that the only way I was going to be able to do the things I wanted to do with my life, and eat all the chocolate I wanted, was if I was active and fit. And all the studies say exercise is crucial for healthy aging. So, how did I create an exercise habit?

How to create an exercise habit

First, you have to understand that there’s nothing I enjoy more than curling up with a good book. For hours. I love to stay home and hibernate. I was never an athletic person, and when I was a kid, I skipped gym class more than a few times. As an adult, though, I realized that no one else was responsible for my well-being, so I’d best look out for it.

Create an exercise habit to reap all the benefits.

I found a workout program I didn’t mind (too much). I could see myself doing it a few times a week, and actually put it on my calendar. Back then all the calendars were paper, so I used ink! No erasing. And I followed through on my commitment. In order for this to work, I had to commit to the plan. It doesn’t do anyone any good to create goals and then not do the work. That’s why creating intermediate steps toward a goal is so important. When you reach those mid-goals, you have things to celebrate. When you can actually see and taste the mid-goals you set, even if you can’t see your end goal, you have that positive mindset that’s so important to achieving your goals.

It’s not set in stone

And don’t be afraid to change your exercise program. If you find that you really can’t tolerate the instructor or the moves are killing your knees, find something else! You should never be locked into a program you don’t care for. By the same token, if you outgrow the program that you started with, find a more challenging one.

It takes about a month to create a habit, so you’re in it for the long haul. When you create an exercise habit, you’re the one who will reap all the benefits.

Stay warm in the winter with exercise

Are you one of those people who are always cold? Me, too. I love the fall and spring seasons, because it’s not too hot and not too cold. I’m not crazy about summer because I don’t like to sweat. And for me, winter is the worst. My hands are always cold, and I put on my thick socks to try to keep my feet warm. The only time I feel comfortable in the winter is when I’m under my heated blanket or if I’m exercising. Yes, you can, actually, stay warm in the winter with exercise. A friend had to agree with me the other day when I told her that a good Pilates core session can heat me up like nothing else.

Same exercise clothes year-round

I don’t change my workout gear when it’s cold out. I wear a t-shirt and shorts, and, of course, socks and sneakers. When I exercise in the winter I start out cold but warm up quickly. By the way, when an exercise instructor says you’re going to do a “warm-up,” they mean you’re going to get your body used to moving. The internal warm-up doesn’t happen until you’re into the session.

When you exercise, especially if it’s strenuous, your body’s heat production rises immensely – like 1,000 watts. Some of this heat is stored by your body, which raises your core temperature by a few degrees. This is sensed by your skin and other internal thermoreceptors and triggers your brain to respond – you start to sweat. And it doesn’t take long to feel the warmth. I’m in it for about 10 minutes and I’m not feeling as cold.

Pilates and warmth

Like I said before, a good Pilates workout really makes me feel warm. The reason for that is that I’m contracting my core muscles like crazy. And those muscle contractions produce heat. Of course, other exercises will have you contracting muscles, but sustained core muscle contractions are a trademark of Pilates.

So, sure, you can put a sweater on, but a sure-fire way to stay warm in the winter is with exercise. I’m as good as anyone at finding reasons not to exercise. But, staying warm in the winter helps me feel happier. If I’m not shivering, it’s a good thing. I don’t feel like I’m frozen in place, so I can be more productive. So, in addition to all the other benefits, I stay warm in the winter with exercise.

5 Ways to Create a Positive Mindset

It’s tough these days. The world seems to be getting smaller and more nervous all at the same time. With instant access to so many media sources, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. And this week has brought it all to the fore. My brain has been churning so much that I’ve had to completely check out a few times to not break down completely. And checking out – turning everything off – is one way to create a positive mindset (see below). 

One way to create a positive mindset is exercise.

Why does a positive mindset matter? If you believe that things are dark, you’ll never see the light again, and you’ll never be able to do anything about it, then you won’t. You’ll be stuck in that dark place because you believe it. On the other hand, if you completely believe that something is possible, you’ll make it happen. An article in the Journal of Neurochemistry indicates that our brains adapt to changes in its environment. It’s not as simple as affirming that everything is okay, but our brains are quite malleable. And we can make that positive change happen. You’ll be happier, more productive and more resilient. Here are some ways to create a positive mindset and let ourselves get things done.

Stop doomscrolling

I found myself getting more and more depressed with each post I read the other day. I had to consciously turn my phone off to get out of that spiral. So, when things get to be too much, just turn your screens off. It can be for five minutes or five hours. Take the time you need.


Make sure you get enough sleep. Being tired affects your mood, your productivity and your health. Stick to a consistent sleep routine. It helps.

Get one thing done

Set your priorities for the day, making sure that you choose a few intermediate steps toward your goals. You’ve developed these in the worksheet included in the Get It Done Guide. And get one thing done. Just one little thing checked off can really improve your mood. It’s so satisfying.


I’ve said it before – those endorphins from intense exercise are real. I feel a bazillion times better after a workout. After a tough exercise session, I’m a much nicer person.


It’s not woowoo. It really does help to center you and help your mind stop churning. A short guided meditation (download one for under a dollar here) can clear your brain and help you become more productive.

Use any or all of these techniques to create a positive mindset. They work for me.

Feel more energized even when there’s more to do

How to feel more energized through the day

Many days I’m working away on a project and at some point in the afternoon, it feels like I hit a wall. Do you feel that way? If you do,we’re not alone! Many people run out of juice at some point in the afternoon. Even if we start strong, we’re exposed to many stressors during the day that take a toll. And even though your motivation is strong to continue the work, if you feel like you have to curl up and take a nap, the work is not going to be your best. But, don’t feel like you have to go on feeling drained and out of sorts. And not by grabbing a candy bar at 3:00, either. Here are some ways to feel more energized throughout your day.

Eat more balanced meals

If you’re a grab-on-the-go type of person, it may be time to rethink your eating routine. When you combine protein, carbs and healthy fats for all three meals during your day, you’re set for optimum energy. Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, says, “The key to an energizing diet is getting the right ‘fuel mix’ at each meal.” One quarter of your plate should be whole grains, another quarter protein and the rest colorful produce, topped with a healthy fat. That way your body has the nutrients it needs to be energized all day, avoiding spikes and crashes in your blood sugar. So your energy will be stable through the day.

Take breaks

Sometimes I can work on a project for hours at a time without looking up. That’s great for the work, but when I do finally get up, I feel stiff and groggy, and my eyes have trouble focusing. When I know I’ll be in the groove I have to set a timer to make sure I take a break. The alarm on my phone works great for this. That break can be just a few minutes, but when I get back I definitely feel more energized. Even if that break is just going to the washroom or taking the dogs outside.


Move to get more energy!

As I’ve written before, it seems counter-intuitive that exercise will give you energy, but even Harvard Medical School says it’s true. Your muscles produce mitochondria when you exercise, which allows your body to use the food you’ve eaten as fuel. So, more mitochondria means more fuel and more energy. A couple of days a week I exercise in the late afternoon, when my energy level is at the lowest point. After my workout on those days I actually do feel more energetic. Strange but true.

Those are just a few ways to feel more energized. On days when I have to keep working in the late afternoon, I also like to have a little snack of a few almonds or peanut butter on celery. It keeps me going until dinnertime.

Do it for your future self

This is for whatever it is you don’t want to do today. Don’t want to exercise? You don’t want to eat nutritious food? Or you don’t want to work on that project you’ve been putting off? I get it. Some days it’s all too tempting to stay under the covers, eat chocolate and chips and binge Emily in Paris or whatever show you’re into. But think about how you’ll feel tomorrow. And all the tomorrows after that if you don’t show up for yourself. It’s easier to not do the things. But those things will stay the way they are. You’re not going to get the benefits from exercise. Your body will not get the vitamins and minerals from the healthy food. And you’ll still have that project hanging over your head.  Do it for your future self.

How your future self will feel

Keep moving for healthy aging. And for my future self.

Think about how you want to feel in the future. For me, I want to feel no pain, or at least less pain. Also, to be able to stand tall and not hunched or with rounded shoulders will be good. I’d like my legs to be able to hold me up, and my core to be strong and stable to share the load. I want to breathe freely and not get winded when I walk. Does this sound good to you? For our healthy aging, this doesn’t seem to be an outrageous goal.

The food we eat is reflected on the outside

What goes into our bodies should be good for the outside as well. The food we consume has an affect on our bodies – inside and out. Our skin reflects the good nutrition that goes in. We feel better when we eat nutritious food. Of course, I’m not going to say no to a piece of good chocolate, but on the whole I try to maintain a healthy diet.

Working toward a goal keeps us resilient

When we work toward a goal, even just for a little bit every day, we’re being optimistic for the future. We’re happy when we have an objective. And creating achievable goals keeps us focused on that future. We want something to have happened to make a better future for ourselves. That’s what goal-making is about. And if you’ve set goals in the past but not achieved them, then download the Get It Done Guide. It’ll help. Seriously.

So keep on working toward goals. Exercise regularly. And eat good food. It will show in your future self.

Start walking to have a big impact on your health

The concept of beginning a fitness routine is daunting. If you haven’t been exercising, it’s a monumental change in your life. Perhaps you got the talk from your doctor, or maybe you’re not liking the way you look or feel and know you need a change. I’ve talked about all the benefits that exercise can give you. You’re saying, “but that means I have to get all sweaty and out of breath. Nope – start small. The good news is that walking qualifies! Start walking to have a big impact on your health.

But walking is boring!

But, you’re saying, walking is boring! Just one foot in front of the other. I thought you (me) said that I should pick an exercise program that I like! Correct. But, as I’ve said before, it’s not the exercise that has to be fun, necessarily. It can be what goes along with the exercise. Yes. Walking is boring. I dislike running. But there I am on the treadmill twice a week. Why? I found that listening to audiobooks keeps my mind off the actual running part and on the action that’s going on in my ears. The same can hold true for walking outside. Listen to a book. Listen to music, if that keeps you going. Or, talk to a friend. Better yet, walk with a friend and catch up in person.

What makes walking so positive?

So, how can just walking have such a positive impact on my health? “Walking is a great exercise not only for physical but also mental health. It provides repeated resistance to the muscles and bones of the lower body which helps them to stay strong,” says Megan Stuteville, an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) certified personal trainer. Your joint mobility improves in your hips, knees and ankles. And here’s a big benefit: walking also increases your daily energy store. I know, it doesn’t make sense but it’s true. The energy you expend actually increases your available energy. Your cardiovascular health will improve, and you may even start sleeping better. Plus, walking is easy. Everybody can do it. And as we age, it’s more important than ever to exercise to keep our bones strong.

Do we really need to take 10,000 steps?

So, how many steps do we need to take to get these benefits? We’ve been hearing that we need to take 10,000 steps every day. That’s a lot. Research has actually shown that we start getting benefits when we hit about 8,000 steps. That’s about four miles. But, don’t forget – you can count all the walking you do during the day. Even to the refrigerator from the couch, and taking the dog to the backyard to do his business. 

So, start walking to have a big impact on your health. You’ll feel better knowing that you’re doing something good for yourself.

How do elite athletes get motivated?

I’ve been watching the Olympics the last few days. It’s riveting. The level of competition is insane. I admire the talent, the intensity, the difficulty of the moves. I’ve always been an Olympics fan. Winter, Summer, it doesn’t matter. The sport doesn’t matter either. I love watching swimming, diving, track – it doesn’t matter. Men’s sports, women’s. Again, it doesn’t matter to me. Do you have a favorite Olympic sport?

These athletes are the best of the best in their sport. What makes them the best? What sets them apart from other athletes? Sure, innate talent probably has a lot to do with it. Someone who has no sense of rhythm is probably not going to be successful in rhythmic gymnastics, for example. But aside from talent, what makes these athletes so good? Their motivation. These athletes are driven to train, improve and succeed even in their off-seasons. So, how do elite athletes get motivated?

How do elite athletes get motivated?

Exercise shouldn't hurt, but if the reward for doing it isn't motivating, make it hurt not to.

WebMD asked 7 Olympic athletes what keeps them going. For Caeleb Dressel, swimmer, it’s the desire to get better. That’s the internal motivation that you would expect elite athletes to feel. The desire within to excel. And that’s important for us, too, in whatever we do. When we set goals for ourselves, we have to really want to achieve that goal. Otherwise, why bother? When the challenge that’s part of any endeavor gets hard, if we don’t want the end result, it’s easy to quit.


Beach volleyball players Kristen Nuss and Taryn Kloth don’t want to let her partner down. Knowing that another person is counting on you help these elite athletes get motivated. Kloth said, knowing someone else is counting on you “makes it way easier to get through the tough times. This allows my focus to switch to her and not the tough task.”

Grow, for less discomfort

Because it is tough. Fencer Nick Itkin welcomes the pain. Personally, I don’t enjoy it, but Itkin uses it as a motivator. Put another way, the pain motivates him to get better so it doesn’t hurt any more. It goes back to the adage, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Psychologist Ayelet Fishbach of the University of Chicago says, “because discomfort is usually experienced immediately and is easy to detect, it’s an immediate signal of growth that increases motivation.”

The fun keeps you going

Gymnast Frederick Richard likes to mix things up. He’s a believer in having fun when you train. And that’s something that I take to heart. 

So, the methods that these elite athletes use to get motivated are the same that we’ve been using all along.

Write what you do

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of tracking things. For my dogs, I track their training. For my goals, I track my progress. Every step toward completion is a big deal, so I write about every step. The same goes for my fitness goals. If I want to go faster or lift heavier weights, I need to log what I’m doing now as a benchmark for the future. We all start somewhere, and we all have different journeys in fitness. And as part of our healthy aging, all the experts say we must do aerobic exercise and strength work. So, write what you do. To start with, for the first week, just note how many days you were active. Then when you decide on a fitness program, write what you do every day you exercise.

It doesn’t have to be fancy

It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just a cheap spiral notebook works. Write down the time, the place, what you did, and for how long. It helps to note other details, too. If you’re running or walking, your speed and distance. If you’re doing strength work, note the exercise, the poundage and the number of repetitions and sets. 

But fancy is good

Side plank star in my home workout area

Your journal, or tracker, can be as fancy as you like. I created one that combines pretty much everything I track: goals, nutrition, mindset, and fitness. And I also created individual sheets for different purposes. There’s one for fitness, another for nutrition, another for mindset, and a series for achieving any goal, like achieving the full Side Plank Star. The thing to watch for when you buy a journal or download a tracker sheet is to make sure that you actually do write what you do. I’ve been known to let the journal sit on my desk. I admire it and say, “I should really write in there,” and then still let it sit. But now I make sure I pick up my pen and write.

The NIH says write what you do

Why use a tracker for fitness? The National Institute on Aging suggests that tracking your fitness is a great way to stay motivated to exercise. By writing what you do, you can see your progress and continue asking yourself important questions. Questions like, “Why do I want to stay active?” And “What activities are important to me now, and what do I want to continue to do in the future as I age?” Your journal is also a great way to assess what kind of barriers you see to your mobility, and figure out a way to remove those barriers.

Good form in exercise

Good form for the win!

Last week I gave you tips for maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts, and one of them was to make sure you have good form. So why is good form in exercise important? 

This morning I did my Pilates workout with a resistance band, and noticed that the instructor was continually reminding the class of the proper technique. Breathe in when you do this, make sure your abdominals are pulled in, and make sure your back is straight. Why is it important to have good form?

Avoid injury

First, and probably, most important, it’s important to maintain good form in exercise so you don’t injure yourself. I’ve talked about avoiding back pain by tightening my core – there it is. Make sure your back is straight and not twisted? Again, good form. When you’re exercising with good form, you avoid strains, sprains, tears, twinges, and all sorts of nasty things. When you’re doing squats, making sure that you can see your shoelaces when you look down ensures that you’re protecting your knees. And that’s something we all need to keep in mind for our healthy aging.

Focus on targeted muscle groups

When you have good form when you exercise, you know that you’re targeting what you’re supposed to be targeting. You’re using the muscle groups that you’re supposed to be using. And you’ll get the maximum benefit from the exercise. Like this morning, during my Pilates workout, the instructor emphasized during a few of the exercises that the shoulders should be back and down to work them properly. I’ve had experience with shoulder injuries, and the last thing I want is to re-injure the joint. So I made extra sure that I followed the instructor’s direction.

Optimize time

When we really focus on having good form in exercise, we’re truly getting maximum benefit from minimum time. I don’t have time to waste and neither do you! So let’s get strong with good form.