The Fitness Formula

The Fitness Formula is simple. Eat well and exercise. That’s it. If you eat nutritious food that gives you the calories, nutrients, vitamins and minerals you need, and if you exercise at an intense level for 30 minutes 4 times a week, you’ll become fit. That sounds very easy, doesn’t it? But it’s hard to put into practice.

Most fitness resolutions fail

Many people state as their New Year’s Resolution, “I’m going to get fit in the New Year!” And that’s an awesome goal. But as many others know, after the first few weeks of excitement of going to a new gym and trying out low-fat and low-calorie recipes, it’s also easy to let that resolution fall by the wayside. In fact, according to Loyola Medicine, almost a quarter of people quit their resolutions the first week. Half in the first month, and only 9% actually achieve their goal. 

What goes wrong?

There has to be something that people are missing in the formula then, to fail at such a huge rate. The formula seems to be very simple. Eat right and exercise. So, what goes wrong? 

Eating right is hard

As I see it, as folks over 50, we’re tired. I’m tired all the time. And there are so many demands on our time. Eating right takes even more time. We have to plan meals that are nutritious and taste good – and if there’s someone else’s tastes and requirements to take into consideration, that takes even more time for planning. Then we have to shop and prepare the meals. Which means that we’re even more tired. And hopefully there’s someone else who can deal with the clean-up. No doubt about it – eating right is hard.

Exercise is hard too

Exercise is hard if you're not motivated,

And as people over 50, we know that exercise is important to our healthy aging. The CDC has recommended a level of exercise which seems appropriate for those who have been doing it a while. But the exercise part should be as easy as the concept of eating right – after all, it’s just a couple of hours a week, right? But if we’re not enjoying it, we’re not doing it. And lots of gym memberships go unused because the members aren’t enjoying it.

So, what’s missing?

If you’re not doing hard things for a really good reason, you’re not going to keep doing them. Eating right is hard. It’s much simpler to stop at a drive-through on your way home than to plan and prepare a hearty nutritious meal. It’s a whole lot easier to binge your favorite Netflix series than change clothes and sweat at the gym. 

Motivation is the missing piece to the Fitness Formula

Your really good reason is the key that keeps you moving toward your goal of fitness. If you want to enjoy that hiking trip through Europe in a few months, that’s a good reason to stay with your eating and exercise plan. If your grandkids are at a fun age and you don’t want to miss the opportunities of running around the yard and playing with them, that’s another good reason to eat right and exercise. And if you want to be able to walk and gossip with your friends, that’s also motivation to stick with your resolution.

The Fitness Formula is easy, but it has three parts, not two. Yes, eating right and exercise are crucial, but so is your motivation. Your motivation helps you plan all those meals and sustains you through the tough workouts. 

Do it for your future self

This is for whatever it is you don’t want to do today. Don’t want to exercise? You don’t want to eat nutritious food? Or you don’t want to work on that project you’ve been putting off? I get it. Some days it’s all too tempting to stay under the covers, eat chocolate and chips and binge Emily in Paris or whatever show you’re into. But think about how you’ll feel tomorrow. And all the tomorrows after that if you don’t show up for yourself. It’s easier to not do the things. But those things will stay the way they are. You’re not going to get the benefits from exercise. Your body will not get the vitamins and minerals from the healthy food. And you’ll still have that project hanging over your head.  Do it for your future self.

How your future self will feel

Keep moving for healthy aging. And for my future self.

Think about how you want to feel in the future. For me, I want to feel no pain, or at least less pain. Also, to be able to stand tall and not hunched or with rounded shoulders will be good. I’d like my legs to be able to hold me up, and my core to be strong and stable to share the load. I want to breathe freely and not get winded when I walk. Does this sound good to you? For our healthy aging, this doesn’t seem to be an outrageous goal.

The food we eat is reflected on the outside

What goes into our bodies should be good for the outside as well. The food we consume has an affect on our bodies – inside and out. Our skin reflects the good nutrition that goes in. We feel better when we eat nutritious food. Of course, I’m not going to say no to a piece of good chocolate, but on the whole I try to maintain a healthy diet.

Working toward a goal keeps us resilient

When we work toward a goal, even just for a little bit every day, we’re being optimistic for the future. We’re happy when we have an objective. And creating achievable goals keeps us focused on that future. We want something to have happened to make a better future for ourselves. That’s what goal-making is about. And if you’ve set goals in the past but not achieved them, then download the Get It Done Guide. It’ll help. Seriously.

So keep on working toward goals. Exercise regularly. And eat good food. It will show in your future self.

What is core stability?

What is core stability and why is it important?

In almost every post I make about balance, I emphasize that a strong and stable core is essential. A strong core, I get. I understand strength. But what is core stability? Why do I care?

Core stability means that your core helps your spine maintain control when you move in different directions. For example, if you raise your arm, your oblique muscles in your abdomen are engaged. When we rotate our shoulders, a stable core holds us upright.

Everything inside us is connected. I want a stable spine so that I can sit and stand upright, and not to mention, breathe. When our spine is straight, it’s much easier for us to take a breath. You can try it yourself. Breathe when you’re hunched over, like you do at your desk. Now straighten your spine and breathe. Better, isn’t it?

So a stable core means a stable spine.

Congratulate yourself! Full plank with bird dog balance!

A strong core helps my back pain. I suppose that having a stable core helps with that as well, because when I’m bending over, I have to stabilize in order to stand up again. And that strong core, holding tight, means that I’m less likely to tweak my lower back.

I don’t think there’s any pain worse than lower back pain. I have sciatica and bursitis in both hips. When my sciatica flared up and wrapped around the bursitis, I couldn’t move. Or, rather, it was like I was moving through something the consistency of ice cream. I was moving, painfully, and extremely slowly. Because it hurt. Heat didn’t help a lot, and neither did ice. I lived with it, and apologized for being so slow. When your back hurts, you can’t do many things that you want to. It’s agony getting in the car so traveling is out of the question. Even mundane tasks like grocery shopping can be an ordeal.

When I did my research on balance a number of years ago after the fall that triggered the bursitis, I also learned that having a strong core could ease back pain. You can bet that as soon as I could move, I focused on core strength.

So, how can you improve your core stability? 

Nothing in the studies I’ve read has indicated that there are separate exercises for core stability. Work the core strength exercises, and the stability part gets thrown in. Bonus.

Start walking to have a big impact on your health

The concept of beginning a fitness routine is daunting. If you haven’t been exercising, it’s a monumental change in your life. Perhaps you got the talk from your doctor, or maybe you’re not liking the way you look or feel and know you need a change. I’ve talked about all the benefits that exercise can give you. You’re saying, “but that means I have to get all sweaty and out of breath. Nope – start small. The good news is that walking qualifies! Start walking to have a big impact on your health.

But walking is boring!

But, you’re saying, walking is boring! Just one foot in front of the other. I thought you (me) said that I should pick an exercise program that I like! Correct. But, as I’ve said before, it’s not the exercise that has to be fun, necessarily. It can be what goes along with the exercise. Yes. Walking is boring. I dislike running. But there I am on the treadmill twice a week. Why? I found that listening to audiobooks keeps my mind off the actual running part and on the action that’s going on in my ears. The same can hold true for walking outside. Listen to a book. Listen to music, if that keeps you going. Or, talk to a friend. Better yet, walk with a friend and catch up in person.

What makes walking so positive?

So, how can just walking have such a positive impact on my health? “Walking is a great exercise not only for physical but also mental health. It provides repeated resistance to the muscles and bones of the lower body which helps them to stay strong,” says Megan Stuteville, an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) certified personal trainer. Your joint mobility improves in your hips, knees and ankles. And here’s a big benefit: walking also increases your daily energy store. I know, it doesn’t make sense but it’s true. The energy you expend actually increases your available energy. Your cardiovascular health will improve, and you may even start sleeping better. Plus, walking is easy. Everybody can do it. And as we age, it’s more important than ever to exercise to keep our bones strong.

Do we really need to take 10,000 steps?

So, how many steps do we need to take to get these benefits? We’ve been hearing that we need to take 10,000 steps every day. That’s a lot. Research has actually shown that we start getting benefits when we hit about 8,000 steps. That’s about four miles. But, don’t forget – you can count all the walking you do during the day. Even to the refrigerator from the couch, and taking the dog to the backyard to do his business. 

So, start walking to have a big impact on your health. You’ll feel better knowing that you’re doing something good for yourself.

Good form in exercise

Good form for the win!

Last week I gave you tips for maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts, and one of them was to make sure you have good form. So why is good form in exercise important? 

This morning I did my Pilates workout with a resistance band, and noticed that the instructor was continually reminding the class of the proper technique. Breathe in when you do this, make sure your abdominals are pulled in, and make sure your back is straight. Why is it important to have good form?

Avoid injury

First, and probably, most important, it’s important to maintain good form in exercise so you don’t injure yourself. I’ve talked about avoiding back pain by tightening my core – there it is. Make sure your back is straight and not twisted? Again, good form. When you’re exercising with good form, you avoid strains, sprains, tears, twinges, and all sorts of nasty things. When you’re doing squats, making sure that you can see your shoelaces when you look down ensures that you’re protecting your knees. And that’s something we all need to keep in mind for our healthy aging.

Focus on targeted muscle groups

When you have good form when you exercise, you know that you’re targeting what you’re supposed to be targeting. You’re using the muscle groups that you’re supposed to be using. And you’ll get the maximum benefit from the exercise. Like this morning, during my Pilates workout, the instructor emphasized during a few of the exercises that the shoulders should be back and down to work them properly. I’ve had experience with shoulder injuries, and the last thing I want is to re-injure the joint. So I made extra sure that I followed the instructor’s direction.

Optimize time

When we really focus on having good form in exercise, we’re truly getting maximum benefit from minimum time. I don’t have time to waste and neither do you! So let’s get strong with good form.

3 Tips for getting the most out of your workout

No one likes to waste time. I certainly don’t. So how can I make sure that I get the most out of my workout? You know that I’m not a fan of exercise at the best of times. So if I’m going to do it, get changed, sweat and get all out of breath, I want to make sure that my time is not wasted. If I’m motivated enough to put some time in and exercise for my healthy aging, I’m going to make sure it’s time well spent. Here are some tips to make sure you’ll be getting the results you want.

First: focus

Make sure you’re being intentional with your movements. It’s really easy to just go through the motions, especially if you’re enjoying the music. So pay attention to what you’re supposed to be doing. If it’s jumping jacks, make sure that you’re landing with bent knees in a squat. That way, you’re working your legs to the max! If you’re doing biceps curls, make sure you’re using the right muscles. If you’re running, tighten your core and hit with your heel, ball, and toe last of all. Be intentional with your movements.

Pay attention to form

The last tip and this one are linked. Make sure your form is on point. If you’re going through the motions with sloppy form, then your workout is for nothing. When you flex your biceps on a curl, you know that the right muscle is being worked. If you’re doing a Pilates workout, make sure that you’re inhaling when you’re supposed to and that your core is tight throughout the workout.

Keep distractions to a minimum

When you get a call, you know how long it takes you to get back to a productive mode? About five minutes. When I’m working out, I don’t have five minutes to waste on getting back into the groove. That’s part of what I use a warmup for. If your phone rings and you’re exercising, ignore it. They’ll leave a voicemail message. Put the dogs in another room. I put my dogs in their crates. (They’re all crate trained and get treats!) They can still watch me, but they’re not in kicking range. Distractions are time-wasters. When you’re not distracted, you’re not able to focus as well as if your full attention is on what you’re doing.

So, even when you’re doing a shorter workout – okay, maybe especially if you’re doing a shorter workout! – you’ll get the maximum benefit from minimal time. And that’s my goal when I’m exercising.

Create a fitness goal to keep you moving

It’s really easy to go through your days on autopilot. Go from one meaningless task to another, not really accomplishing much. Then all of a sudden, it’s bedtime. Time to brush your teeth and have some downtime until you do all the nothingness again tomorrow. Do you ever feel like you’re sleepwalking through your day? I emptied the dishwasher in the morning while I watched the news. And it was basically the same as yesterday’s news. I went to the grocery store yesterday. And it was basically the same items that I bought last week. Are you stuck in a rut too? I want to feel invigorated. And I don’t want to feel like I’m stuck on a treadmill. It may be time to create a fitness goal to keep you moving.

Your new fitness goal doesn’t have to be big

A new goal could inspire you to new heights, new levels of strength, faster speeds. That new goal in one aspect of your life could spark your motivation in others. And your new goal doesn’t have to be a big one. For me, I had a goal of running one tenth of a mile faster than my previous fastest speed for a minute during my treadmill session. And to do that for 4 runs. At first I couldn’t maintain that extra tenth for the whole minute. So I lowered the speed. But then after a walk interval I bumped my speed up that extra tenth again. And kept it there longer. 

That new goal will move you forward in your healthy aging. And when you’re doing something positive for your health, you’re automatically happier and more motivated to keep going.

Invigorated by success!

How did that extra tenth make me feel? Invigorated. By running just that little bit faster, I felt like I was invincible. I felt stronger the rest of the day, knowing that I met a really tough (for me) benchmark. And being successful for one day kept me motivated for the rest of the challenge.

Your challenge:

So, I challenge you to create a fitness goal to keep you moving. Make sure that your goal is specific, with measurement and a timetable. Your goal also should be attainable but not too easy. Write your goal down so that you’ll have accountability, even if it’s just to yourself. I use the worksheet from the “Get It Done” Guide. I print multiple copies of the worksheet – there’s not much on that worksheet. It seems simple, but, boy, is it powerful! 

So, create a fitness goal. You’ll keep moving and be empowered to tackle even more.

Are you lying about your exercise routine?

I’m not on social media much, and when I do feel the urge to see what’s happening, it’s usually on Facebook. I do get lots of emailed newsletters, though, and something struck me this week. One of the fitness platforms I follow did a survey on Instagram and found that, despite the posts showing lots of exercise going on, people lie about their exercise routine. Apparently some people post gym selfies but aren’t really working out. And that makes me sad.

Why aren’t people working out

Why does it make me sad that people lie about working out? Because they’re not really getting the benefits that they could be from exercise. Data collected in a study done by Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention found that people aren’t working out most commonly because of time constraints. Granted, it takes time to go to the gym, change, exercise, change back and drive back to work or home. And sometimes exercise is the least of it. But you can get in a great workout in 20 minutes at home. I know that 20 minutes is about the outside limit for my dogs getting a good nap before they get in my way. If there are kids, you can get your workout in early or late, or when the children are down for naps. The key to having effective short workouts is that you exercise with intensity and focus. 

Lying about your exercise routine hurts you

PS Fit asked its Instagram followers who actually do work out why they exercise. It’s no surprise that many responded that they exercise for their bone health, increased mobility and energy. Many replied that they exercise to benefit their mental health. And still others exercise to increase their resiliency and to provide stress relief.

Why do I exercise?

Besides burning a few calories to justify pizza for dinner, I exercise to be a nicer person. So, I lean into the mental health aspect of exercise benefits. Exercise makes me happier and easier to live with. All of which I want to have continue. 

Don’t lie about your exercise routine. Be honest with yourself above all. If you don’t feel like exercising, as I’ve said, then taking a day off won’t make a whole lot of difference. But, if it becomes more than a day or two that you’re not exercising because you don’t feel like it, then perhaps it’s time to take a look at your routine. See if a different kind of workout might make you happier and more inclined to do it. Because lying about your exercise routine hurts no one but yourself.

Is it okay to hit pause on your exercise routine?

I didn’t feel like running this last Monday, so I didn’t. And the world didn’t end. I had been on my feet almost all of Sunday at our Dog Training Club obedience trial – working, not exactly having a good time with my dog – it was hot, and I just plain didn’t feel like it. I was tired after running errands in the 90 degree heat, and I just decided not to work out. Every once in a while, it’s okay to hit pause on your exercise routine.

It’s okay to hit pause on your exercise routine as long as

As long as you pick right up where you left off.I knew that if I resumed my normal routine the next day I wouldn’t get too sore. If your muscles are screaming after a workout, indirect ice helps to soothe the area, and gentle stretching helps, too. At the start of your exercise habit-building routine, though, the best way to avoid sore muscles is to build your speed and poundage gradually. Likewise, I wouldn’t lose my speed or endurance just by missing one day.

Habits are hard to form

A habit is formed by weeks of focusing on it. An exercise habit is helped along by scheduling and stacking behaviors. If you put your exercise clothes out the night before, you’ll be reminded that you’re scheduled for 8 am to work out, for example. When you’re forming an exercise habit you have to really think about how to incorporate it into your life. And change is not easy.

But established habits are hard to break

But once that habit is formed, like exercise is for me, you feel kind of lost if you don’t do it. Even though I knew that I’d be perfectly fine, I felt kind of guilty about not exercising that day. I had to keep telling myself that I’d put on lots of miles on Sunday, which is usually a rest day for me. And everything would be all right. It’s okay to hit pause on your exercise routine once in a while.

Keep in mind, though, that if exercise is still new to you, that you have to really make an effort to resume your new healthy habit. You’re probably not going to feel guilty, like I did, if you miss a workout. So make sure you schedule your workouts. Not only that, specify the workout that you’ll be doing. And keep that date with yourself. Remember your motivation for starting your exercise program in the first place – your reason for getting healthy and strong.

5 tips for consistent workouts

It’s on everyone’s to-do list, but really shouldn’t need to be. You know that the only way exercise is effective is if it’s consistent. And it’s really important for us, as seniors especially, for our workouts to be consistent. We know that exercise gives us a healthier heart and lungs, it strengthens our brittle bones, and it improves our memory and cognition. But it’s hard to lace up those sneakers a few times a week. Every week. It’s essential for our healthy aging. The motivation is lacking to exercise on our own. I’m busy and so are you. We’ve got stuff to do. But exercise is important, too. So how can we make sure our workouts are consistent? 

This isn’t one of the official “tips,” but first set yourself a fitness goal. If you see progress toward a goal, you start off motivated! For suggestions on setting goals, just download the Get It Done Guide. Easy peasy. Moving on, here are 5 tips for consistent workouts.

Find an exercise program you enjoy

I’ve said it before – if you don’t like an exercise program, then you’re not going to do it. You’ll make excuses and find other things you “need to” do first. I’ll be the first one to say that I run twice a week even though I don’t enjoy it. But I do enjoy the audiobooks I listen to as I run. So, find an exercise program you can live with, and something to help you like it. And be sure that your exercise program has enough variety so you won’t get bored or overwork any particular muscle group.

Schedule your workouts

Now that you’ve found an exercise program that you don’t mind too much, put your workouts on your calendar. And set a reminder for them, plus extra time for changing into your exercise clothes before and a shower after your workout. Google Calendar is versatile and easy to use.

Track your workouts

Write down what you did and how you felt – both before, during and after your workout. You’ll see your progress and that will motivate you to do more. If you’re running on a treadmill, you’ve got the statistics there so copy them down. Your log can be in a journal or just a piece of paper. I recommend actually writing this down so you have something tangible. Follow this link for the Fitness Journal and Tracker.

Find accountability

Exercise with a friend. There’s built-in accountability when there’s someone with you. Cal or messagel a friend after every workout. Commiserate with that friend over how tough the workout was. Accountability keeps us honest. It keeps us coming back even when the workout was brutal.

Don’t overwork

Yes, we want our workouts to be challenging. Because if they’re not then we’re not improving. And that should be everyone’s goal – to improve. But be careful not to overtrain. Know your body. Be aware when something doesn’t feel right. If you’re breathing too hard, slow down. If something hurts, stop. 

With these tips, you’ll be motivated to exercise consistently and you’ll also be on your way to making exercise an unbreakable habit.