It’s tough getting old

It's tough getting old. So many stresses.

It’s tough getting old. In getting older, we want to stay fit and healthy so that we can enjoy our “golden years.” In order to enjoy those years, we want to reduce stress and be happy.

All those things are really hard. We’ve spent lots of years exercising and eating right. When is it our turn to go crazy? Just lie on the couch and eat junk food.

We’ve spent lots of years working. When do we get to just do what we want?

That’s harder than ever now.

Everything costs money. And everything is more expensive than it used to be. Our incomes are not going up, so we have to be creative. And that’s exhausting.

But, things are easier when they become a habit.

So, let’s create some habits we can live with and be happy about for many, many years to come.

Eating right

Meal planning can become a habit. And it’s easier when you plan out a week’s worth of meals. Pick one day and gather your favorite recipes. Decide on 21 nutritious but delicious meals (if you don’t plan on bringing meals in – we do carryout from our favorite restaurants a couple evenings a week), make a list of items you need from the grocery store, and plan your shopping trip. And plan your snacks, too – things you look upon as treats, but are still healthy. OK – maybe a tiny bit indulgent…


I’ve written many a blog post about the benefits of exercise as we age. Here’s one: “Why Exercise?” For now, let’s just agree that it’s necessary. Pick a program and stick with it. You don’t have to spend hours a day exercising, but it should be fairly intense – for you – 30 minutes 4 or 5 times a week. The most important thing is to be consistent in your exercise. By all means mix up the kind of exercise that you’re doing, but do it.

Get happy

Money may be tight, but that’s no reason not to do things that make you happy. Every day. Read a book. Reread a favorite. Listen to music. Go outside and breathe some fresh air.

Pandemic poundage

Eating sweets during the pandemic put on the pounds.

I recently read a report that said that the average American has gained about 8 pounds from April through June of this year. That’s way more than the average holiday weight gain. It’s time to take off the pandemic poundage.

But, it’s really not surprising. When the country first started to shut down, toward the end of March, we were all hit with confusion, stress, anger, fright – a host of emotions.

Stress eating is natural

Many people eat when they’re stressed. It’s a natural occurrence. And, we couldn’t go anywhere. School was cancelled, and people were working from home. The weather wasn’t great to start with during that period either. So we were sitting on the couch, being distressed by the news, even afraid of going to the grocery store. And eating. Not healthy eating, either. Healthy foods are not generally known for their comfort factor. Salad and other vegetables do not give us that warm and cozy feeling. We were eating junk food and foods heavy on the carbs.

As a consequence, the pounds came on without our even noticing. Because, we were sitting on the couch in sweatpants. And looking at our screens for the latest COVID updates or word from the top infectious disease experts.

So, now it’s summer. In fact, summer is almost over in terms of the meteorological calendar.

Time to move!

Time to get moving. yes, our movement is still restricted. Our dog training classes have not started up. Many schools are opening virtually. But, those extra pounds have to go. It’s time to take off the pandemic poundage.

First thing: put the screens down. The news will still be there in an hour. Not much will have changed. But you can get in a good workout or plan a week’s worth of healthy meals for you and your family.

Get up. Move. Take the dog for a walk. If you don’t have a dog, then take yourself for a walk. If you have exercise DVDs, press “play.”

You’ll feel better.

Practice your balance

Balance is key.

Your balance is not going to fix itself.

Yes, I harp on balance a lot. Because it’s necessary. Yes, it’s the summer. No, you’re not going to slip on the ice tomorrow and fall and break your hip. I know there are still months of warmer weather before the first snowflake falls.

Use those weeks wisely.

As I learned, balance is something we lose as we age unless we do something about it. My article in “Scary Symptoms” describes my introduction to this sad fact.

As we age, we lose our balance. It may not be noticeable when you go about your daily lives. But, that first patch of ice in the fall is a rude awakening.

I see so many stories in the winter of people my age, and even younger, who fall on the ice and break bones that are already brittle – another result of aging. Kathleen Cameron, a Senior Director at the National Council on Aging, told me just how big a problem falls and loss of balance is for older Americans:

Of course I’d rather age than die, but it certainly becomes almost a full-time job to counteract the effects of aging. As they say, though, “Use it or lose it!” That applies to muscles, bones, eyes, ears and balance. We exercise and eat right to maintain our muscles and bones. We try to take in the right nutrients to help our vision and hearing. And we have to practice our balance to keep from losing that too.

Practicing balance is easy. It just takes a couple of minutes a day. Go grab my “Week of Balance” download – just click the link on the right side of this page. It’s got a week’s worth of balance exercises plus a bonus or two. If you do one of these every day, your balance will improve. You won’t need to grab the counter when you try to stand on one foot. You’ll climb that step stool without even thinking about it. I’ve said it before – I multi-task and stand on one foot while I brush my teeth in the evening.

So – Read the article. Grab the download. Practice your balance. No fancy equipment needed.

Another mood-lifter

Fran, pre-haircut. I'm smiling, but feeling down.

I’ve told you many ways to lift your mood. Down in the dumps? Put some music on and get moving. Take a walk. Play with the dog. Cook one of your favorite dishes. All those are great ways to improve your mood. Another one? Get a haircut.

I’ve been growing my hair and growing out the color. But it’s been more than five months since my last haircut. My hair is out of control.

True, most of the summer it’s been up in a clip or in a ponytail to keep me cooler, but the bangs are in my eyes and the ends are in pretty bad shape.

So, I’m excited that I’m getting a cut tomorrow. I don’t know what it’ll look like when Jan is done, but it will be better. I’ve been seeing Jan for over 30 years! We’ve grown up together. I’ve seen her kids grow up, seen the joy and heartache. So it will be good to see Jan – masks and all.

Why is getting a haircut such a mood-lifter? I’ll still look pretty much the same. My appearance won’t have improved drastically. My hair will be in better shape, it’s true. But I won’t look that different.

Perhaps it’s just the act of doing something nice for myself. Sure – basic skin care, exercise and eating right are all things that we do for ourselves. But actually going somewhere and having things done for you is that extra layer of pampering.

These days, during the time of COVID-19 social distancing and mask-wearing, we all seem to be sucked into a whirlpool. We don’t know which end is up, what’s right, what’s wrong, what we should do about filling our empty shelves when there are shortages. I know many days I’m feeling lost at sea. So it’s a taste of normalcy to go out and do something that I used to do more regularly. To do something nice for myself, for a change.

Use these lazy days of summer to your advantage

The days may be warm, but you've got things to do

Yup – me too. Dog days of summer perhaps? Especially theses days, we see on the calendar an unending stretch of similar days. Not even the weather changes much. The last few weeks have been hot and humid. Not much precipitation. One after another.

Feel that sense of urgency?

You know you should be doing things. You just know that you’ll be sorry in three months that you let this stretch of days with no appointments, no urgency, no places to be end with nothing to show for it. So use these lazy days of summer to your advantage!

Set a goal!

How to snap out of it? Well, think of what you would like to see accomplished at the end of those three months. That’s a quarter of a year. Would you like to perfect a new dish? In 13 weeks you can prepare that dish at least 6 times without getting bored yawns from the family.

Want to lose weight?

Or would you like to lose 5 pounds? Completely doable. Figure out your eating plan for the next few weeks and exercise schedule. You’ve got it covered.

Would you like to learn how to crochet? You can order a few different size crochet hooks, some yarn and a beginner’s pattern or two, have them arrive and try it out after watching a few YouTube instructional videos a few times during this quarter year.

Want to be a writer? I did too. Now I have a published book.

Or how about writing a story? Completely possible. Write your ideas, organize the plot and start writing. It won’t take long if you devote just a half hour or so a day. For me, writing a non-fiction book about my training journey with my reactive dog Tango was both cathartic and rewarding. And I got it done in about 4 months. Tango: Transforming My Hellhound.

The point: anything is possible

The point is that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. The first step is to set a goal.

Next is to break that goal down into smaller chunks. And smaller. And smaller – until you’ve got about an hour a day of “work.” But it won’t seem like work because it’s something you really want to do, and an hour out of 24 is nothing. Writing your goals down, and then scheduling your tasks on a planner or calendar really help keep you honest.

In a rotten mood?

Serenity for your bad mood

How often are you in a bad mood? A really bad, mean, rotten mood? The kind of mood when you just want to smack somebody? But you don’t because, well, non-aggressive. But you really feel like it?

If you frequently feel that way, perhaps it’s time to seriously change a constant in your life. It could be that you’re not getting an important nutrient – study your diet. Or you’re not being stimulated mentally. Or you’re dissatisfied at work. Or your relationships need work. Or the human connections you have require too much from you. Or you’re not getting enough fresh air. Or exercise.

The point is, if you’re in a bad mood all the time – it’s not the world, it’s you. Time to figure it out. I can’t help with that. No one can but you.

Yes, I figured it was time for a kick-in-the-pants post. A big part of fitness is the mental side – the whole mind-body connection. Get your head working right and the rest will follow as long as you’re working on it.

There’s no question about it, and we hear about this constantly from every media outlet – these are difficult times. We’re all trying to figure it out together. Some people seem to have a better handle on it than others, though.

So, what’s their secret?

I don’t think there is a secret. I think the people you see who seem to be handling these “difficult times” the best fall into two categories – those who are hiding their true feelings and those who are working on making things be OK.

Hiding your true feelings can be as bad as lashing out, but the person you’re hurting the most there is yourself.

But working on making the best of things seems to be a healthy road to take. Work actively on the relationships that are important to you – your family, your friends, your coworkers. Maintain a healthy diet. Get moving – exercise has been proven to be a mood-lifter. (I wrote about that a while back.) Do fun things frequently. Play with your dog. Dance to your favorite music. Watch old episodes of your favorite sit-coms.

These will help you get out of the doldrums.

Fix these 5 mistakes to help your back pain

Even a modified plank works the core, which will help your back.
Even a modified plank works the core, which will help your back.

As we age, we seem to be more susceptible to certain kinds of pain. For me, it’s my back. I’m sure that some of you are experiencing more back pain too. I’m working away, then get up from my desk to check on stock and … POW!!! … that unmistakable twinge in my lower back that tells me that I’m going to have pain for the next few days.

I try to sit properly – not hunched, both feet on the floor, not twisted. I don’t know why I’m prone to back pain. It was never an issue when I was younger. But I am now and have to deal with it.

In my research, I found 5 mistakes to fix to try to alleviate or eliminate back pain. I’m not sure that all of these apply to me, but some do. And they may apply to your situation.

  1. Performing repetitive physical activities the same way every time. Take a different approach when doing things you do often. For example, if you frequently carry a heavy bag on one shoulder, try switching sides regularly to change the load on your spine.
  2. Don’t bend from the hips and lift. I’m certainly guilty of this. I frequently just bend at the hips to pick up something. When I empty the dishwasher, I frequently just bend over to get to the bottom rack. Experts recommend that you squat with your back straight and chest up to take pressure off the spine and not push out the disks in your lower back.
  3. Don’t sit or stand all the time. I try to get up frequently, but sometimes get caught up. Experts say you should move around or take a walk at least once an hour. This will boost your productivity as well. Give you a change of scenery and spark creativity.
  4. Don’t neglect your core. I’ve said it before – a strong core promotes a strong back. I’d hate to think what my back would be like if I did neglect my core. Experts say we should strengthen the key muscles that support the back – the multifidus which runs along the spine, and the transversus abdominis which wraps around the abdomen. Planks have gotten some bad press, but they’re great for the core.
  5. Don’t move in ways that feel wrong. Avoid twisting and lifting at the same time. I’m guilty of this at times. That old dishwasher – I bend to stack the plates and then pick them up, twisting to get to the cabinet. Note to self: be more conscious of this! And ask for help with heavy or awkward objects.

And, in general – listen to your body. You know it best, so if something strikes you as wrong, go with that instinct. Otherwise you may pay for your bad judgement later. 

Do what makes you happy

Do what makes you happy. Put a smile on your face.

At least once a day, do what makes you happy. Do something that will put a smile on your face.

Yes, these are hard times. We’re physically isolated from others, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be happy.

Happiness increases optimism. Optimism increases resilience. Only with resilience will we be able to survive this bleak period in our existence. With resilience we’ll be able to undertake new challenges. We’ll be able to resume pastimes that we can’t enjoy now. We’ll be able to go to restaurants, to movie theaters, to parks, to the mall.

So, how can we embrace happiness? For one thing, turn off the news. Take a break from social media.

Have a virtual conversation with a friend. We all have wonderful devices with built-in ways to make this happen. Even just call a friend on the phone. To hear a friend’s voice can be joyous.

Watch a favorite video. Or, go on a virtual tour of a museum or art gallery. There are plenty of those.

Catch a live stream from a facility that’s closed now. Lots of zoos are offering live streams. There’s a “Donate” button on many, but it’s not mandatory. On the other hand, if you can afford it, those facilities could use your donations. They’re not getting the admission fees or concession sales now that they were used to. A reduced staff has to be there, to care for the animals, but there are no actual visitors.

My favorite is the daily live stream from Dolphin Research Center on Facebook. Every day at noon my time (1 pm Eastern Time), they’ll go live with a session with dolphins or sea lions. It’s guaranteed to put a smile on my face.

Or, as I’ve said before, put on some favorite music and start to dance. There’s no one to watch you, so get crazy. You’ll enjoy the music, get some moves on and be happier.

So, for just a little while every day, do something that makes you happy.

Increase optimism, grow resilience

Yoga helped me regain my balance and increase my optimism today. That will help to grow my resilience.

In these uncertain times, we’re scared, we feel lost. The only way we’re going to get through this is to grow our resilience. One sure way to do that is to increase our optimism.

Most of the country is sheltering in place now, to try to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 virus. There’s no cure, it spreads like wildfire, and it’s dangerous to many who catch it.

The economy has come to a standstill, since many businesses are closed. Restaurants and theaters are closed. People aren’t buying anything (except, perhaps toilet paper and hand sanitizer). We’re told to maintain “social distancing” – stay at least 6 feet away from others.

It’s scary and we don’t know when it will end.

But it will end. One day, hopefully soon. And to get beyond this time with anything approaching normalcy, it’s crucial to grow our resilience. To come out stronger and happier.

How do we grow our resilience? One sure-fire way is to increase our optimism. When we’re optimistic, we feel happier and more able to look forward.

So, how do we increase our optimism? One sure-fire way is to exercise. The endorphins that are released help, and the increased oxygen and blood-flow are supporters too. I know, personally, that I always feel better after a workout.

Today I did a Yoga practice. Nothing too strenuous because it had been a while since I did Yoga, and I didn’t want to feel it for days afterward. But it sure felt great today.

Another way to feel happier and more optimistic is to put on some favorite tunes and move. Just get moving. The music and the movement all contribute to feelings of optimism and well-being.

Go for a walk. Pet your dog. Read a good book. Make your favorite meal (not too calorie-laden, though!). You’ll feel better.

And every time you do, you’ll increase your optimism that much more and grow your resilience.

Is Stress Good for Us?

Meditation is a great stress reliever, but short-term stress may be good for us.

Is stress good for us? There’s a difference between long-term and short-term stress, and our reactions are different.

Long-term stress = not good

We all know that long-term stress is bad for your health. Stress can increase blood pressure and heart rate. Stress can prevent you from sleeping well. Stress can impact your eating and exercise habits. Stress can even have a negative impact on your skin. So, we can safely conclude that it’s best to avoid long-term stress.

But, short-term stress is another story.

Short-term stress can get your blood pumping, charge you up for the challenge ahead.

Studies have shown that stress in short duration can actually help the brain improve. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, discovered that after rats were place in a short-term stressful situation (they were immobilized in their cage for a few hours), new brain cell growth doubled. The rodents also did better on a memory test later on. “We think the same thing happens in people—manageable stress increases alertness and performance,” study author Daniela Kaufer, PhD, a professor of integrative biology, told Berkeley Wellness. “Moderate and short-lived stress—like an upcoming exam or preparing to deliver a speech in public—improves cognitive performance.” So be assured that the next time you have to speak before a group of people, your brain will grow!

It makes sense that short-term stress helps your memory too. If you’re being chased, you’ll be forced to remember your path rather than just meandering down random streets or alleys.

And a positive short-term stressor will increase our energy. Situations that challenge us, or are exciting and stimulating, place stress on our mind and body—but the experience doesn’t necessarily cause discomfort. Rather, this kind of stress can motivate us, sharpen our senses, and help us solve problems. Good stress actually creates new neural pathways and stimulates healthful endorphins.

The short-term stress you experience when you exercise is great for your body. (But it’s important not to overdo, especially if you’re not used to intense exercise. The short-term stress you’ll experience on a brisk walk may be all that you need to calm your mind enough to be able to focus.)

In fact, this short-term “good” stress can actually boost your immune system. Another study with rats showed that rats who were stressed briefly had a surge of immune cell response. There’s no reason to believe that we are different.

So, get stressed a little! Lace up your walking shoes or take the dog for a walk.