Every step you take toward your goal proves that you’re amazing!

Even the smallest steps toward your goal count

2025 is two weeks old. If you’re still working toward a goal you set, you’re on track to beat the rest of the world. People who make fitness resolutions at the start of a year usually fall off the wagon by the two-week mark. If you’re still sweating, you should feel really good about yourself! It’s not easy changing the way you live. At our age, we’ve spent quite a few decades practicing some bad habits. But now you’ve realized that you need to change something for your healthy aging. So, consider that every step you take toward your goal proves that you’re amazing! 

You can do hard things

every step you take toward your goal proves you're amazing

Every day that you change your clothes and lace up your sneakers or dive into that pool, you prove that you can do hard things. These days it’s easy to find many exercise programs online. The hard part is choosing one you like, is safe and effective, and is one you can stick with. Because that’s the key. Your consistency is the key to your success.

I’ve written about how to keep going toward your goal when you don’t feel like doing it. But actually starting a program is hard as well. To do something that you’ve never done before – start and continue with an exercise program – really proves that you’re amazing.

The Amazing Box

But those procrastination and hooky gremlins are out there. You know – the ones that tell you to scroll just a few minutes more. Or, it’s too cold to exercise. And the dog is sleeping on me – I can’t move! Those excuses? If you can bolster your resolve and keep that appointment with yourself, that definitely proves that you’re amazing. Your strength proves that you’re resilient. You make appointments and keep them – especially the ones with yourself. Because those are the really important ones.

Every accomplishment goes in your Amazing Box

A while ago I told you about the Amazing Box. A place where you write down all the things – even the smallest – you do that are amazing or bring you the slightest bit closer to your goal. It doesn’t have to be a physical box, although that would be fun, but it has to be a special place you can visit when you feel your motivation flagging. Just opening up your Amazing Box and reading a couple of entries gives you that pat on the back. That “oomph” to keep going. And reinforces your belief in yourself.

Author: Fran

I believe in everything! In moderation, of course! I keep fit by working out a little most days, eating right (mostly), doing balance exercises (every day!) and trying to keep a sense of humor.