Fear of the unknown

Move to get more energy!

Are you afraid to try something new in your fitness routine? Or of starting a fitness program? In fitness, as everything else, fear of the unknown is natural. But don’t let it rule your life. Don’t be paralyzed by the fear of what might happen. Fear of “What if …?” has stopped plans in their tracks for many.

Fear of replacing a PC?

For me, even though it sounds silly when I write it out, I was afraid to upgrade my PC. Now, you have to understand that the one I was replacing was over 10 years old. For a PC, that’s a dinosaur. An early Triassic period dinosaur, like 245 million years ago. So it was more than time to replace the obsolete box. The thing was, though, it still worked. It had all my pictures and files on it. We had moved it several times over the years. But it was time. It took forever to get things done. And it did get things done – I wrote every article for Fitness-Over-50.com on it. I helped to run a business on it. It talked to the printer (most of the time). I published books on it, for goodness’ sake. But it was time.

Fear of the unknown paralyzed me

And I was afraid. Brand new ones are so expensive and still go obsolete in months. I decided to get a refurbished one, guaranteed for a few months. And what if the new one didn’t work? Well, that’s what  a warranty is for, right? What if the new one didn’t recognize the external hard drive I transferred all my files to? Well, then, I’d transfer files to the cloud and work from there. 

Form a plan of action to counter the fear

You can see that, while I was afraid of the “what if’s,” I tried to form a plan of action for it. I knew that, while it was scary delving into new tech, I’d be so much more productive if I didn’t have to wait to load sites. And didn’t have to wait while I deleted browser cookies every day. Not to mention, not having to restart the PC three times a day.

If starting an exercise program is scary, educating yourself will counter that fear of the unknown.

Indeed, the American Psychological Association recommends that, to counter fear of the unknown, we should focus on things we can control. So, for every “what if …,” think of an action to take. Also be sure to be kind to yourself. We all encounter some fears of things we don’t know about, so take some deep breaths and try to center yourself. And, if possible, try to learn more about the unknown you’re scared of. Then it won’t be unknown any longer. By educating yourself, you’ll have grown your resilience and your optimism. And that just promotes your healthy aging. 

Fear of starting a fitness program?

Many people start the New Year with resolutions of getting fit, of exercising more regularly and eating right. And that can be scary – to start something you’ve only dreamt about. So, if you want to get started on a healthier 2025, start now by looking into the kinds of exercise programs that you might like and actually continue. That fear of the unknown will be gone for at least this portion of your life.

Author: Fran

I believe in everything! In moderation, of course! I keep fit by working out a little most days, eating right (mostly), doing balance exercises (every day!) and trying to keep a sense of humor.