Feeling down? Play with your dog!

Play with your dog!Here in Chicagoland it’s cold, rainy, snowy, and just generally miserable! Yes, it’s April and we know that the weather will improve (eventually), but right now it’s just miserable. I’m tired of wearing three layers inside. I’m tired of having cold feet (with the ensuing blue toes – this creeps out my sister). And I’m tired of having to blow my nose every hour because it has a tendency to drip when it’s cold. We had a very mild winter, so I feel kind of bad complaining, but it’s April! The continual grayness just depresses me.

So, what do you do when you’re feeling low? I play with my dog! Not sitting on my butt and throwing the ball for him and letting him bring it back when he feels like it. No – I get down on the floor and tug with him. I push on his chest and he comes roaring back at me, ready for another game. Then I’ll chase him around. And I’ll let him chase me! That will get the blood flowing and some feeling back in my feet. And then I’ll throw his ball and race him for it. He’ll win, but he’ll love the game – as will I! And when we’re done I’ll have a tired dog and a smile on my face.

The body achieves what the mind believes

Your body can achieve what the mind believesThe body achieves what the mind believes. Strong stuff. How much is really in your mind? Can you achieve anything you believe?

I think you have to temper that with a short dose of reality. I know I’m never going to be a rock star. For one thing, I can’t carry a tune. Wait – that doesn’t stop a lot of “rock stars” I hear on the radio. For another, I don’t play the guitar. Hmmm, again, not a prerequisite. And, I’m 60 years old. Well, I guess stranger things have happened. I’ll have to work on a look.

But, really. The mind is incredibly powerful. Let’s think about something a little less esoteric. Say, my goal is to do 10 regular pushups. No girlie pushups on my knees. No – real pushups on my toes. And my starting point is that I can’t do any from my toes. No problem. Do 20 pushups on my knees. And 10 with one leg straight, the other knee on the floor. And switch to the other knee. The next day, I’ll do more, and try one pushup on my toes. The key is to practice every single day. Eventually I know I’ll get stronger and I’ll be able to reach my goal. And then I’ll make a new goal.