Many of you may be under the mistaken impression that I like to exercise. Ummmm… no. I post exercise pictures, sweaty selfies, my crazy circus moves (like the side plank, left) to motivate myself and anyone else who might be inspired to follow my example. But like exercise? No.
I exercise because I like to do other things.
I want to be able to train my dogs and compete with them in not only obedience, where you just have to run for a short distance, but in agility as well, where you run for a minute or so – remembering an obstacle course, and directing your dog to do those obstacles.
I want to take hikes in pretty places. and I want to be able to travel to those pretty places, preferably without pain and on my own two feet.
I don’t like to shop, so I want to spend as little time in grocery stores as possible. That means to check the produce myself and pick the good stuff, select all the other things necessary, maneuver my cart through the store, take the stuff out of the cart, put it in my car, bring it in my house and put it away myself.
I want to cook delicious meals for myself, my family and my friends. That means being on my feet for an extended period of time.
I want to go out with friends and family and not worry about being a hindrance to them.
I want to eat good food!
Exercising burns calories, so I can eat more good food. Including desserts (especially chocolate)!
I want to use my brain!
And I want to keep my cognitive function for as long as possible.
Short, effective workouts
So I exercise. I don’t particularly like it, but I do it. I’ve found that combining cardio and strength for a very intense 30 minutes 4 or 5 times a week is quite effective at keeping my joints happy, the weight off, and my brain going. 21 Day Fix Extreme works for me most of the time. (I find it easier on my knees than 21 Day Fix.) Every couple of months I do PiYo for a week, just for something different. But I don’t exercise to be entertained. I exercise for the outcome.
So, there you have it. I don’t like to exercise, but I do it.