Your balance is not going to fix itself.
Yes, I harp on balance a lot. Because it’s necessary. Yes, it’s the summer. No, you’re not going to slip on the ice tomorrow and fall and break your hip. I know there are still months of warmer weather before the first snowflake falls.
Use those weeks wisely.
As I learned, balance is something we lose as we age unless we do something about it. My article in “Scary Symptoms” describes my introduction to this sad fact.
As we age, we lose our balance. It may not be noticeable when you go about your daily lives. But, that first patch of ice in the fall is a rude awakening.
I see so many stories in the winter of people my age, and even younger, who fall on the ice and break bones that are already brittle – another result of aging. Kathleen Cameron, a Senior Director at the National Council on Aging, told me just how big a problem falls and loss of balance is for older Americans: https://fitness-over-50.com/2017/07/prevent-falls-my-interview-with-kathleen-cameron/
Of course I’d rather age than die, but it certainly becomes almost a full-time job to counteract the effects of aging. As they say, though, “Use it or lose it!” That applies to muscles, bones, eyes, ears and balance. We exercise and eat right to maintain our muscles and bones. We try to take in the right nutrients to help our vision and hearing. And we have to practice our balance to keep from losing that too.
Practicing balance is easy. It just takes a couple of minutes a day. Go grab my “Week of Balance” download – just click the link on the right side of this page. It’s got a week’s worth of balance exercises plus a bonus or two. If you do one of these every day, your balance will improve. You won’t need to grab the counter when you try to stand on one foot. You’ll climb that step stool without even thinking about it. I’ve said it before – I multi-task and stand on one foot while I brush my teeth in the evening.
So – Read the article. Grab the download. Practice your balance. No fancy equipment needed.