I recently read a report that said that the average American has gained about 8 pounds from April through June of this year. That’s way more than the average holiday weight gain. It’s time to take off the pandemic poundage.
But, it’s really not surprising. When the country first started to shut down, toward the end of March, we were all hit with confusion, stress, anger, fright – a host of emotions.
Stress eating is natural
Many people eat when they’re stressed. It’s a natural occurrence. And, we couldn’t go anywhere. School was cancelled, and people were working from home. The weather wasn’t great to start with during that period either. So we were sitting on the couch, being distressed by the news, even afraid of going to the grocery store. And eating. Not healthy eating, either. Healthy foods are not generally known for their comfort factor. Salad and other vegetables do not give us that warm and cozy feeling. We were eating junk food and foods heavy on the carbs.
As a consequence, the pounds came on without our even noticing. Because, we were sitting on the couch in sweatpants. And looking at our screens for the latest COVID updates or word from the top infectious disease experts.
So, now it’s summer. In fact, summer is almost over in terms of the meteorological calendar.
Time to move!
Time to get moving. yes, our movement is still restricted. Our dog training classes have not started up. Many schools are opening virtually. But, those extra pounds have to go. It’s time to take off the pandemic poundage.
First thing: put the screens down. The news will still be there in an hour. Not much will have changed. But you can get in a good workout or plan a week’s worth of healthy meals for you and your family.
Get up. Move. Take the dog for a walk. If you don’t have a dog, then take yourself for a walk. If you have exercise DVDs, press “play.”
You’ll feel better.