Be a little better
Just a little – be better today than you were yesterday. Try for a little more.
It’s easy to plod along, day after day, doing the same things, eating the same foods, seeing the same people, that we forget that we have a limited time.
Sorry – don’t mean to be morbid here, but isn’t that what life is all about?
If not, then why bother?
Trying to be better today than you were yesterday? Otherwise, why bother doing anything at all.
Whatever your goals are, don’t you want to be a little closer to reaching them today? Just be a little better.
Set big goals
If you have big goals, great! Set big ones – you don’t have to meet it all in one day.
Break up the big goals into more manageable chunks, and that way you can set a mini-goal to be better at every day! If you don’t, it’s all too easy to be overwhelmed by that great big goal staring at you. Lose 50 pounds? Impossible in a day or even a week, or a month! But two pounds this week? Absolutely! Resolve to be chocolate-free for two days. Even for me, that’s probably doable. And then maybe cut out a piece of bread a day. Or maybe every other day.
Mini-goals on your way to the big ones
The point is, your mini-goals should lead you on your way to achieving that big goal, but still be doable today. And when you reach that mini-goal, celebrate and make a new mini-goal. And that’s how you lose 50 pounds. Or launch a business. Or whatever big goal you have in mind.
Today – be better
For today, think of that goal, and be better.
Or think of a few goals to choose among. Then think of what would make you happiest and put the rest on a back burner. You’ll get to them.
And in the meantime, be better today at something than you were yesterday!